Retreat gathering with Sharon Landrith & Clear Light Sangha, shrine room, Vajra Vidya Retreat Center, Crestone, CO, 2022
Silent Retreat with Sharon Landrith & Clear Light Sangha, in the beautiful shrine room, Vajra Vidya Retreat Center, Crestone, CO
Mountains of Cresone, CO
Zoom Retreat from the 2020-2022 years.
Silent retreat gathering of sangha with Sharon Landrith & Clear Light Sangha, 2021, Omega Institute
Retreat gathering of Sangha with Sharon Landrith & Clear Light Sangha, Vajra Vidya Retreat Center, Crestone, CO
Retreat gathering area at Rio Chirripo, Costa Rica, 2022
Prayer flags over Vajra Vidya retreat land, Crestone, CO.
Retreat gathering with Sharon Landrith & Clear Light Sangha, Rio Chirripo Lodge, Costa Rica, 2022
Sharon giving a guided meditation.
Sharing of poetry, writing, music, and visual arts are part of Sharon's retreats.
"The afterparty" Sharon Landrith & Clear Light Sangha, 2021
Retreat gathering with Sharon Landrith & Clear Light Sangha at Vajra Vidya Retreat Center, Crestone, CO
Flower offerings during retreat.