General Donations & Scholarship Fund

General Donations
Clear Light Sangha gratefully accepts general donations

Donations to Clear Light Sangha or to Sharon Landrith can be made here. Please state the purpose of your donation in the comments if it applies to something specific. Donations to Clear Light Sangha are tax deductible under a 501 C-3 non profit umbrella. You will receive a tax deductible receipt for your donation via email.  Monthly membership options are also available.  Check out our sustaining membership page for recurring donations.

All donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Your donation is tax exempt. You will receive a donation receipt via email.

Scholarship Donations

Donate to the Clear Light Scholarship Fund

Our goal for 2024 is to raise $7,500. This year the fall silent retreat is scheduled as a longer retreat and will be the most expensive of the year. There will be scholarship requests that we hope we can fulfill.

We are asking for your financial support in helping others who may otherwise be unable to attend retreat and experience the benefit of silent retreat. The Scholarship fund pays for the lodging and meals portion of the retreat and Sharon generously waives her part of the fee.

In 2020, 2021, and 2022 the Scholarship fund was impacted by the state of world events, like many other organizations. We are optimistic that we can build a healthy scholarship fund for those who approach us with requests this year.

This is a separate fund and will only be used for scholarships.  Your generous contribution is greatly appreciated.

Your donation is tax exempt. You will receive a donation receipt via email.