Due COVID illness this retreat must be cancelled. We will be in touch with the registered participants. We are sorry to have to cancel this event.
July 27 - 28, 2024
Abiding as Wholeness
2-Day Mini-Retreat with Sharon Landrith & Clear Light Sangha
“I do for myself, and highly encourage people who are waking up to this experiential sameness, this being that we all share, is to remove yourself from life periodically and go deep and be undistracted and just simply abide. Not meditation techniques so much. They help train the attention, but there's a certain point where you give up absolutely every technique you have ever received and just come back experientially and rest deeply and be filled and renewed and informed from the direct experience of your own nature. To me, that's what meditation is and that's what meditation retreats are all about.”
- Sharon Landrith
More quotes from Sharon on this topic:
In primordial silence, the fundamental root, all is well, there's not a thing out of place, it's pure contentment. In fact, contentment doesn't even come close to it. It's whole. There's no need for anything else or anyone else. It is what this life has always been looking for and is the sense of completion.
It is the channel of emptiness, before movement, before sound, before, before, before, before. There's nothing there. And within that, nothing, no-thing, the ground of all potentiality. Everything arises and comes out of that. The silent channel.
Love arises from the deep primordial ground. It's like a mysterious movement of this empty nature that contains everything that is - the well of the womb, of all potentiality. There's nothing that love is not. But we often miss that point.
If you open and allow, then, don't grab, don't conceptualize, don't defend. Because what you'll notice, the more you realize your nature, the more the deeper patterns in the body-mind structure will come up because there's now so much awareness and light.
Vigilance is absolutely required. The more one is rooted in the sense of silence and the sense of fundamental primordial ground, then the love that arises is unhindered and it's also rooted.
The reality is, if your tendency is aligned with love and brilliance you’ll be brought into the silent ground. If you lean toward silence, if you're open, it will bring you into love and brilliance.
This is a silent retreat with Satsang talks, guided meditation and question & answer sessions.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation notifications received on or before July 19, 2024, are fully refundable.
Cancellation notifications received on or after July 20, 2024, are fully refundable minus a $50.00 administrative fee.
Vajra Vidya House
11305 S. Fire Rock Drive
Parker, CO 80134
Dates: July 27 & 28, 2024
Meals and lodging not included.
Schedule (Sat & Sun)
10:00am - 4:00pm daily
10:00 - 12:00 Guided Meditation & Sharon’s Talk
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch (bring lunch or dine out locally)
1:30 - 4:00 Q & A, sharing, poems, etc.
Cost: $250.00
This is a non-residential retreat. Accommodations are your responsibility and can be found nearby through Airbnb or VRBO.